The mysterious flying object shot down by NORAD likely belonged to a balloon hobby club, but agencies won't confirm.

The mysterious flying object shot down by NORAD likely belonged to a balloon hobby club, but agencies won't confirm.
The Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade spoke with Aviation Week, which says the circumstantial evidence is strong that it was their balloon shot down by NORAD, a partnership between the U.S. and Canada to monitor the skies that’s perhaps most famous for tracking Santa Claus.
The U.S. was on heightened alert at the time, after a Chinese spy balloon was spotted by civilians in Billings, Montana before it crossed the entire continental U.S. and was finally shot down over the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of South Carolina on Feb. 4.

Three flying objects were shot down in Alaska, Canada, and Michigan, likely belonging to the Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade.Pico balloons measure humidity, pressure, temperature, and relay weather information to hobbyists via VHF/UHF antennas.
Pico balloons are exempt from FAA regulations, making it difficult to determine who is behind flying objects.
The U.S. military only began picking up mysterious flying objects after it started looking for slow-moving objects, which explains why so many were shot down in a short period of time.
The U.S. military is likely to shoot first and ask questions later, as they don't want President Biden to look weak on China.
